Transformer T-OP-125A29AX

Transformer T-OP-125A29AX
Direct replacement Output Transformer, 100W. Impedance: 4, 8 Ohm. Tubes: 4 x 6L6GC. Application: Fender Twin Reverb, Showman Reverb.

The perfect item for your Fender Twin Reverb Amplifier to tweek to real '65 blackface specs PLUS having the luxury of providing an additional 8 Ohm secondary for being more flexible regaing the speakers connected to your amp. This transformator is also used in the 100W Fender Showman Reverb, Quad Reverb and Vibrosonic Reverb. (=022889 + 022897)and PA100 (022889/125A29A)

Does also fit in 65 Fender Twin Reverb Reissue (replaces 037612) and the Blackface Single Showman as a replacement for the 125A30A.

Direct Replacement for Mesa Boogie MK I, MKII. replaces 562100
Also used by Jim Kelly: 4x 6V6 to 8/16 Ohms!
Fits Acoustic 100W Amps also: GT100 etc. replaces 560033

Impedance approx. 2k
Mounting on 3 7/32 inch x 2 7/32 inch

Made in USA / Paper Stick Wound
A1 blue
HT red
A2 brown

0 Ohm black
4 Ohm green
8 Ohm yellow

Does not fit Fender Amps with 135W RMS (see speaker output jack). If so please use the T-OP-013691 transformer!

SKU SKU 30378
Weight 4.000,00 g
Manufacturer Tube Amp Doctor Musikhandels GmbH, Weinbrennerstr. 1, 67551 Worms,
Our price: 132,80
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4 weeks*

Shadow SH 900 NFX
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