ABM 2506n

ABM 2506n
Nashville Asian Style T.O.M. Nickel. String spacing 52mm, bolt spacing 74mm, 12 inch radius, 6mm to M8 bolts, milled from Solid Bell Brass  Nickel.

Package contains:
6mm bolt onto M8 studs M8 in sleeves, replacement rider, replacement snap ring, replacement screw and Protector box.

SKU SKU 74872
Weight 150,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer JOWO BERLINER SCHREIBFEDER GMBH, Wolfener-Str.36, 12681 Berlin, Deutschland, info@abm-guitarparts.de
Our price: 87,55
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

Grover 163C
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