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Goeldo Staggering Set

Goeldo Staggering Set
For 6-in-line tuners. The Goeldo Staggering Set provides a staggered height for machine heads with the same shaft length! This ensures a homogeneous angle of the string path of all strings from the saddle to the tuner shafts. In addition, all strings run through the nut with almost the same pressure and in most cases there is even no need for string trees anymore. Both features provide a defined sound of all strings and a stable tuning of the guitar. The Goeldo Staggering Set consists of nine black washers of different thicknesses, which are mounted on the headstockĀ“s back between tuner and headstock, thus reducing the height of the tuner shaft. They can be mounted on most tuners built for a 10mm hole.

SKU SKU 58056
Weight 10,00 g
Manufacturer göldo music GmbH, Lilienthalstraße 2, 30179 Hannover, Deutschland, https://www.goeldo.de/
Our price: 5,69
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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