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Goeldo TDG1ST Tremolo

Goeldo TDG1ST Tremolo
The new tremolo generation! DG tremolo system in an ultra-small design and all the advantages of the goeldo DG series: butter-smooth operation in 'up & down' modes and an elegantly shaped round tremolo arm with safe, settable zero point, adjustable in all dimensions. A true alternative! Classic vintage look in the appealing style of the Fifties: the chromed T-shaped base meets a nickel-plated tremolo system.

SKU SKU 58852
Weight 250,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer göldo music GmbH, Lilienthalstraße 2, 30179 Hannover, Deutschland, https://www.goeldo.de/
Our price: 82,55
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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