Home > Guitar and Bass Parts > Pickups > Haussel > Haussel TOZZ B XL Bridge Black

Haussel TOZZ B XL Bridge Black

Haussel TOZZ B XL Bridge Black
In the XL version, the TOZZ is even more powerful than the normal TOZZ B, with a very even reproduction over all frequencies, it is more centered and, thanks to it's 3 ceramic magnets, reacts extremely quickly and directly, also ideal for deep moods. Bestseller! Standard: 4-core cable, 2-core cable on request

Spacing 51mm - F-Spaced 52.5mm

not all variants are available in 52.5mm! see data sheet Info-F-Spaced inch
Spacing 7string 61.5mm

Metal covers and base plates made of nickel silver!

Magnet: 3x ceramic

SKU SKU 75937
Weight 125,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer Häussel Pickups, Harry Häussel, Am Bungart 5, 72393 Burladingen, info@haeussel.com
Our price: 127,50
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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