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Transformer T-PWR-004-7395-000

Transformer T-PWR-004-7395-000
MAINS transformer for: FenderĀ® Hot Rod/Blues Deluxe (PR246)

It is also used in the Hot Rod Deluxe III (PR1110), Blues Deluxe Reissue (PR658) and 1968 Custom Vibrolux Reverb.

Primary 230V, 240V

Lamination 3 3/4 inch, Stack 2 inch

Blues Deluxe:
Viol Thermo to CP11
Viol Thermo to CP6
0V Black to CP7
230V White to CP25
240V Grey to CP13

335V Red to CP14
0V Red to CP15

40V Brown to CP16
0V Brown to CP17

6,3V Green to CP19
0V Green to CP20

Hot Rod Deluxe:
Viol Thermo to CP3
Viol Thermo to CP7
0V Black to CP8
230V White to CP4
240V Grey to CP10

335V Red to CP11
0V Red to CP12

40V Brown to CP15
0V Brown to CP16

6,3V Green to CP13
0V Green to CP14

Blues Deluxe Reissue:
Viol Thermo to P3
Viol Thermo to P5
0V Black to P6
230V White to P4
240V Grey to P9

335V Red to P11
0V Red to P12

40V Brown to P15
0V Brown to P16

6,3V Green to P13
0V Green to P14

SKU SKU 51948
Weight 3.600,00 g
Manufacturer Tube Amp Doctor Musikhandels GmbH, Weinbrennerstr. 1, 67551 Worms, https://www.tubeampdoctor.com/
Our price: 164,07
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
2-3 Items 159,01
4-5 Items 155,37
6+ Items 151,73

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

MEC M 60033-09
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