Home > Tubes > Sovtek > 12AX7WA Sovtek

12AX7WA Sovtek

12AX7WA Sovtek
This 12AX7 is a dual triode currenty produced in Russia. It is used by Fender, Ampeg, Carvin, and Hartke, among others.

The OEM workhorse tube used by major amp manufacturers, with warm round tone. Very low in microphonics, and is excellent for use in guitar amps. You can hit it with a stick and it'll barely bat an eye. This is very important for combo amps, or for high volume application.

SKU SKU 16186
Weight 16,48 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer Electro-Harmonix, 47-50 33rd Street, Long Island City, NY 11101, USA, info@ehx.com
Importer Banzai Music GmbH, Benzstr. 46-50, 12277 Berlin, Deutschland, support@banzaimusic.com
Our price: 18,56
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
4-11 Items 18,21
12-24 Items 17,61
25-49 Items 17,26
50+ Items 16,54

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

XLR-4 Plug HQ
Framus 30193 C
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