Off to a great start into 2025
We added more than 600 new items and 360 degree product animations to our portfolio. We have lots planned for 2025 already, this will be great!
We added a couple hundred new items to our portfolio
We added a couple hundred new items to our portfolio: Knobs, pots, switches, guitar parts, Mesa Boogie replacement parts, tools, amp parts and many more. You can see the new items
Server Upgrade
We upgraded to a new server cluster. We see a significant performance boost and much lower page load times, despite the growing number of products in our portfolio. The software was upgraded as well with cool new features and we are using a new credit card processor. Best of all we got rid of that terrible Captcha that was hard to solve for some customers.
Space Echo Parts
We added Space Echo replacement parts to our portfolio!
Christmas Opening 2023
We will be staying open and shipping orders throughout the festive season (closing for weekends and national holidays only), to ensure that all our valued clients are kept well stocked during this busy period.
We would like to thank you very much indeed for your business during 2023 and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very happy & prosperous new year.
22.12.2023 Open
23.12.2023 Weekend - Closed
24.12.2023 Christmas - Closed
25.12.2023 Christmas - Closed
26.12.2023 Christmas - Closed
27.12.2022 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
28.12.2023 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
29.12.2023 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
30.12.2023 Weekend - Closed
31.12.2023 Weekend - Closed
01.01.2024 New Years day - Closed
02.01.2024 Open
Batteries on SALE
We have Arcas and Camelion 9V batteries on sale at the best price we ever offered! If you need any - now is the time to stock up. Offer is valid until November 25th.
Summer roundup
We were busy during summer, adding more than a thousand new items to the website, more images, filtering functionality for items and fresh 360 degree images.
More 360 degrees pictures
Another large batch of 360 degrees pictures has been added to the website. Enjoy 2000 more items viewable seamlessly from every side. To see an example you can
check [here].
Brass jack plates
Brass strat style jack plates are available! Great quality with a unique look and feel. See them here:
[Brass jack plates]
Warehouse Shelves
We added high quality warehouse shelves to our offering. These are excellent shelves, rounded edges, easy assembly, very heavy duty. We used hundreds of these in our warehouse and they are great to work with on a daily basis. You can
[find them here]
Slider switches
We added new slider switches for Mustang and Jaguar guitars to our portfolio. They are available with a black or a white actuator.
[Mustang and Jaguar switches]
Guitar Stands added
Guitar stands have arrived to expand our portfolio. You can find a wide variety for many instrument types and sizes. Also in colors!
[Instrument Stands]
Speaker Cables
We had more cables made to easily connect Speakers in an amp. The new 6,3mm-to-spades cables are available here:
[6,3mm-to-Spades cables]
Alpha Knurled Shaft Pots
We added several long thread, knurled shaft Alpha pots and models with center click to our portfolio. These are used in several standard audio circuits as well as in foot controller pedals.
[See the new arrivals here]
Alpha Rotary Switches
We added Alpha rotary switches to our stock list. These are great quality and serve well as pickup selectors in guitars or as mode selectors in wah pedals or other guitar effect pedals.
[Have a look at the rotary switches here]
Toronzo switches
We added more types and models to our line of Toronzo switches. [
View the switches here.]
3PDT Brown
The Taiwan Blue 3PDT is now available in a limited Brown color.
[Taiwan Brown Switch]
Starting 2023
To start out 2023 we added more than 2500 new 360 degrees product animations.
Christmas opening 2022
We will be staying open and shipping orders throughout the festive season (closing for weekends and national holidays only), to ensure that all our valued clients are kept well stocked during this busy period.
We would like to thank you very much indeed for your business during 2022 and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very happy & prosperous new year.
23.12.2022 Open
24.12.2022 Weekend - Closed
25.12.2022 Weekend - Closed
26.12.2022 Christmas - Closed
27.12.2022 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
28.12.2022 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
29.12.2022 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
30.12.2022 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
31.12.2022 Weekend - Closed
01.01.2020 New Years day - Closed
02.01.2020 Open
Move completed
We successfully moved the warehouse to a new location, providing us with with space to grow in the coming years. We'll add many parts to the stock list over the next days and weeks to come!
More enclosures, new colors
More enclosures, new sizes and fresh colors are available!
More 360 degrees pictures
Another large batch of 360 degrees pictures has been added to the website. Enjoy 2000 more items viewable seamlessly from every side. To see an example you can
check [here].
360 Degrees pictures
We added 360 degrees pictures to the website. The first batch contains more than 1000 item pictures viewable seamlessly from every side. We will continue uploading more over the next few weeks. To see an example you can
check [here].
We are happy to announce that we are now offering the full range of SquarePlug connectors. Commercial quantities and pricing are available to supply customers across Europe with these great plugs.
Corona Virus update 2
Our online shop remains open, we are processing and shipping orders. Due to the difficult situation because of the Corona Virus processing of an order might be delayed. We aim to ship all orders in a timely fashion but have to deal with an increased amount of orders and additional security measures. Also at our logistics partners we are seeing delays beyond our control to some destinations. We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best that your order reaches you as quickly as possible. You can reach us via email, phone or online chat in case of any questions. You can reach us via email, phone or online chat.
Corona Virus update
We have added additional staff members to help with the increased amount of mail-orders due to the Corona Virus situation and keep you well stocked during these times. Local customers in Berlin please note that we are following the governmental advise and are no longer allowing walk-in customers into our shop to pick up orders on-site. We will only be shipping out orders, no local pickups at our warehouse please! Thank you for your understanding,
Christmas opening 2019
We will be staying open and shipping orders throughout the festive season (closing for weekends and national holidays only), to ensure that all our valued clients are kept well stocked during this busy period.
We would like to thank you very much indeed for your business during 2019 and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very happy & prosperous new year.
23.12.2019 Open
24.12.2019 Christmas - Closed
25.12.2019 Christmas - Closed
26.12.2019 Christmas - Closed
27.12.2019 Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
28.12.2019 Weekend - Closed
29.12.2019 Weekend
30.12.2019 Open
31.12.2019 Silvester - Open with reduced staff. Please expect longer than usual time for email replies and shipments
01.01.2020 New Years day - Closed
02.01.2020 Open
More pics
We added 2.600 product pictures today. More coming very soon.
XVive BBD chips added
We added more of the XVive BBD reproduction ICs to our portfolio. The highly sought after MN3007 and MN3009 are available from stock now. Furthermore the XVive clone of the VTL5C4/2 is now in stock! Check them out
Banzai at Superbooth 2019
Banzai will be exhibiting at Superbooth Berlin from May 9th - 11th. Order processing will continue as usual during this time. Meet us at our booth H411 to see the latest additions to our product range and discuss your business requirements.