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7591 JJ Platinum Matched

7591 JJ Platinum Matched
Platinum Matched, selected tubes

The JJ 7591-S is a high quality option for both guitar and home audio amps. It's loaded with warm tone and is physically very similar to NOS 7591 tubes so installation is a breeze.

Close in size to original 7591, this octal based tube is an excellent substitute for any NOS 7591. It fits in HH Scott and other vintage amps, and works great in amps like Ampeg Mercury.

SKU SKU 18500
Weight 50,92 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer JJ Electronic, A. Hlinku 3, 022 01 ČADCA, Slowakei, info@jj-electronic.com
Our price: 35,70
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 1-2 weeks*

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