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9V Battery Compartment, MEC

9V Battery Compartment, MEC
Compartment with rotating lid, for one 9V battery. Required cutout depth: 23mm.

SKU SKU 26670
Weight 10,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer MEC music electronic company GmbH, Landwüster Str. 16, 08258 Markneukirchen, OT Wernitzgrün, Deutschland, info@mec-pickups.de
Our price: 18,68
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
2-3 Items 14,30
4-5 Items 13,92
6+ Items 13,28

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

Clayton BRASS-LG
Vitrohm 33k 11W
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