BAT 85 Schottky Diode, 30V 0,2A DO35

SKU SKU 23841
Weight 0,35 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer ST Microelectronics NV, Chemin du Champ des FillesPlan-Les-Ouates 39 1228 Genf, Schweiz,
Importer Banzai Music GmbH, Benzstr. 46-50, 12277 Berlin, Deutschland,
Our price: 0,21
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
10-24 Items 0,20
25-99 Items 0,19
100-499 Items 0,15
500-999 Items 0,13
1000+ Items 0,08

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

Knob FRV 0022CR
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