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Big Bends Gloss Sauce

Big Bends Gloss Sauce
Big Bends Gloss Sauce (2 oz. / 59ml) is a maintenance tool that cleans and polishes at the same time. It is easy to apply. It cleans everything from mud to beer and restores and rejuvenates old finishes. It is non-streaking and saves time.

Signal word (CLP): void
Contains: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic Asp. Tox. 1, H304 3-18%
Hydrocarbons, C10-C13, n-alkanes, isoalkanes, cyclics, (<2% aromatics) Asp. Tox. 1, H304 10-25%

Hazard statements: (CLP): Void

Additional information: Safety Data Sheet available on request.
Other hazards:Results of PBT and vPvB assessment: PBT: Not applicable. vPvB: Not applicable.

SKU SKU 26486
Weight 15,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer Big Bends LLC, PO Box 324, Plainwell, MI 49080-0324, USA, https://www.bigbends.com/contact/
Importer B4-Distribution GmbH, Lilienthalstr. 7, 53424 Remagen, Deutschland, office@b4-distribution.com
Our price: 6,35
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
2-3 Items 6,12
4-5 Items 5,87
6+ Items 5,60

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

Grover 163C
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