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Caig D100L-2DB Deoxit Brush

Caig D100L-2DB Deoxit Brush
7,5ml of DeoxIT D5L solution. Brush applicator, 100% solution. 7,4ml yield approximately 500 brush strokes (at 10mm stroke length).

Product Safety
Special hazard information: for humans and the environment:
Risk of electric shock: Container and applicator conduct electricity. Keep away from live parts.

SKU SKU 32207
Weight 50,00 g
Manufacturer CAIG Laboratories, Inc., 12200 Thatcher Court, Poway, CA 92064, USA, https://caig.com/
Importer Tube Amp Doctor Musikhandels GmbH, Weinbrennerstr. 1, 67551 Worms, https://www.tubeampdoctor.com/
Our price: 25,26
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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