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Cioks 8800 Parallel adapter Flex

Cioks 8800 Parallel adapter Flex
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By using two isolated outlets this parallel adapter Flex gives you the sum of max. currents of the two isolated outlets used. This adapter cable should be used in combination with any of CIOKS standard Flex cables if you need to power pedals with higher current needs. It gives you not only the higher current but also the possibility to choose the type of plug at the pedal end plus the length you need. The plug type and length is determined by the standard Flex cable used with the adapter Flex.

Note: the parallel adapter Flex makes a parallel connection of the two outlets used. These two outlets must be isolated from each other and MUST have the same voltage. You get the sum of max. current ratings and the same voltage as the two outlets have. If you use it with two 9V outlets with 100mA each you’ll still get 9V but the double max. current which in this case is 200mA. If you use it with two 9V outlets with 200mA each you’ll get 9V and max. 400mA. If you use it with two 400mA outlets you’ll get a total of max. 800mA.

SKU SKU 38618
Weight 50,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer CIOKS ApS, Hastrupvej 17C, 4600 K
Our price: 5,57
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
2-3 Items 5,47
4 Items 5,41
5 Items 5,30
6-9 Items 5,18
10-14 Items 5,06
15+ Items 4,94

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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