Home > Accessories > Strings > D'Addario > Single Strings > D'Addario SI-PL-015

D'Addario SI-PL-015

D'Addario SI-PL-015
DAddario plain single string
  • Gauges: 015

  • SKU SKU 30527
    Weight 4,00 g
    360 Image 360 degrees image
    Manufacturer D'Addario Europe Ltd., Schillerstraße 42-44, 60313 Frankfurt, Deutschland, https://www.daddario.com/
    Our price: 1,11
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
    Quantity Price*
    5-9 Items 1,05
    10-24 Items 1,01
    25+ Items 0,98

    *Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

    MXR Micro Amp
    Hahn BVUI3960103
    9,1k RES-0,6W
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