Fan 05025-10mm

Fan 05025-10mm
  • 25x25x10mm axial DC fan, with magnetic levitation system
  • rated voltage: 5V DC
  • operating voltage: 3-6V DC
  • Temperature: -10...' Celsius
  • P(air): 5,1m^3/h
  • Volume: 16dBA
  • 10000 turns/minute

  • SKU SKU 20696
    Weight 40,00 g
    Manufacturer Sunon Europe, Parc Médicis, 66 avenue des Pépinières, 94832 Fresnes Cedex France,
    Our price: 7,35
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
    Quantity Price*
    2-3 Items 7,02
    4-5 Items 6,65
    6+ Items 6,28

    *Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

    Clayton BRASS-LG
    Vitrohm 33k 11W
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