Home > Tubes > JJ Tesla > JJ Standard > 6CA7 JJ


A fresh breath of air characterizes the JJ 6CA7 tube. When looking for a balanced sound, a top end that is never harsh or biting and a nice, round bottom end then look no further. The JJ 6CA7 has more beef then the EL34 but retains clarity and freshness all around.

SKU SKU 34005
Weight 25,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer JJ Electronic, A. Hlinku 3, 022 01 ČADCA, Slowakei, info@jj-electronic.com
Our price: 34,51
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

Hammond 1590V-FL
ABM 2545g aged
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