Home > Equipment > Tuners > Kala Klipz Clip on Tuner Black

Kala Klipz Clip on Tuner Black

Kala Klipz Clip on Tuner Black
  • Kala Klipz are precise quality tuners that get you in tune, and help you stay there. Our clipontuners work with guitar, uke, mandolin, bass, and more and feature a hands free design that allows you to tune on the fly.
  • SETTINGS: Chromatic, Guitar, Bass, Violin, and Ukulele
  • RANGE: A0 (27.5hz) to C8 (4186hz)
  • TOLERANCE: +/ 1 cent
  • SIGNAL RECEIVED BY: Vibration via clip
  • POWER SUPPLY: 1 CR2032 battery

  • SKU SKU 43791
    Weight 350,00 g
    Manufacturer Kala Brand Music Co., 1129 Industrial Ave, Suite 204, Petaluma, CA 94952, USA, hello@kalabrand.com
    Importer Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG, Gewerbepark 46, 08258 Markneukirchen, Deutschland, service@warwick.de
    Our price: 16,60
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
    Quantity Price*
    3-5 Items 15,79
    6-9 Items 14,95
    10+ Items 14,14

    *Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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