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RockTuner CT-3

RockTuner CT-3
The RockTuner CT-3 is an chromatic tuner that can work in automatic or manual mode. It works via an vibration sensor (clip-on) or via the inbuilt microphone and accurately displays the tuning on the adjustable LED display. The tuner has six modes: Guitar, bass, violin, ukulele, wind instrument and chromatic. Four clefs are selectable: C, F, Bb, Eb. High Tuning accuracy!

SKU SKU 34876
Weight 150,00 g
Manufacturer Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG, Gewerbepark 46, 08258 Markneukirchen, Deutschland, service@warwick.de
Our price: 16,30
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
2-3 Items 15,47
4-5 Items 14,65
6+ Items 13,84

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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