Home > Tubes > TAD > TAD 6V6GT-STR Duet


The TAD 6V6GT-STR Redbase is a heavy duty 6V6GT tube that is capable of handling a higher plate current. It is a prime choice for the NOS-like 'sweet top end' tone, while surprising with a tight bass response and a very powerful sound. It is an ideal match for Class A amps like the Fender Tweed Champ, Champion 600 or the Vibro-Champ. Furthermore it excels as reverb driver tube in Fender Vibroking amps and Dual Professionals. Recommended for Deluxe Reverb amps, providing sweet tone with silky heighs.

SKU SKU 30301
Weight 125,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer Tube Amp Doctor Musikhandels GmbH, Weinbrennerstr. 1, 67551 Worms, https://www.tubeampdoctor.com/
Our price: 72,97
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

F+T 33uF, 160V
Davies 2110
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