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Adapter, 9V DC, 1300 mA

Adapter, 9V DC, 1300 mA
Original Digitech power adapter (1300 mA) for
  • DigiTech Whammy Pedal I, Whammy Pedal II, Whammy 4, Whammy 5,
  • VHM5, MV5, GNX 1, VX 400,
  • Vocalist Workstation, Vocalist Access, Vocalist VR, Vocalist Live 2, Vocalist Live 4,
  • RP 3, S100, S400, RP 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350, 500, RPx 400, Vocal 300, BP 200
  • Genesis 1, Jam Man Looper, Jam Man SoloXT Looper,
  • Jam, Man Express XT Looper, Jam Man Stereo Looper,
  • iStomp - 2.1 x 5.5 mm hollow plug, inside minus, outside

  • SKU SKU 70230
    Weight 160,00 g
    Manufacturer DigiTech (a division of Harman International), 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37919, USA, https://digitech.com/contact-us/
    Importer MUSIK MEYER GmbH, MUSIK & TECHNIK, Industriestrasse 20, 35041 Marburg, info@musikundtechnik.de
    Our price: 23,80
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

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