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The AS3340A chip is Alfa's modern equivalent of the famous CEM3340 voltage-controlled oscillator. It provides Ramp, Pulse/Square, and Triangle outputs, has inputs for oscillator sync, is temperature compensated and stable, and provides excellent 1V/Oct tracking. In short, it's everything you need from an analog oscillator, on a chip. There hasn't been a better design than the 3340.

Please note that Alfa recommend a 51K resistor on the pulse output in place of the 10K resistor that the CEM3340 used. There seem to be some subtle differences between the Alfa chips and CEM originals, particularly with respect to pulse width. We've had one or two reports of difficulties replacing dead/missing CEM3340s with AS3340s. For this reason, if you're repairing a vintage synth, we recommend using CEM3340 Rev.Gs rather than replacing with Alfa AS3340s.

SKU SKU 59444
Weight 2,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer ALFA RPAR AS, 140 Ropazu Str., Riga, LV-1006, Lettland,
Our price: 11,54
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
3-5 Items 11,01
6-9 Items 10,65
10-24 Items 10,47
25-49 Items 10,12
50+ Items 9,82

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

EH 6H30Pi Gold
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