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Cliff FC67810 stereo jack

Cliff FC67810 stereo jack
Cliff FC67810 stereo jack for professional music equipment. Contacts can be sealed against dust by using Cliff FC67858 Dust Cap (available separately).

SKU SKU 50331
Weight 7,00 g
360 Image 360 degrees image
Manufacturer Cliff Electronic Components Ltd., 76 Holmethorpe Avenue, Holmethorpe Industrial Estate, REDHILL, Surrey. RH1 2PF, Grossbritannien, sales@CliffUK.co.uk
Importer Banzai Music GmbH, Benzstr. 46-50, 12277 Berlin, Deutschland, support@banzaimusic.com
Our price: 2,52
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
5-9 Items 2,40
10-24 Items 2,28
25+ Items 2,15

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

HK Pot 10k log
Warwick 50086
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