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Fret Heater Soldering Tip

Fret Heater Soldering Tip
Pull frets the easy way! Pros know that heating a fret before removing it made the whole job much easier. This custom-made soldering iron tip makes it easy to heat up frets for effortless removal. The heat helps loosen glue, and keeps chipping down. Our fret heater is a custom tip for Solomon SR-965 soldering irons. Just like a replacement tip, it slips on and is ready to go. The tip is made of copper for fast heat transfer and features grooves for narrow-medium and wide-jumbo fret sizes. The special shape also helps to keep the tip on the fret without slipping off and burning the fretboard, which can happen with a regular tip.

  • Fast heating copper construction
  • Two sides to fit narrow-medium and wide-jumbo fret sizes
  • Tip diameter: 7mm
  • Fits Solomon SR-965 soldering iron

  • SKU SKU 61395
    Weight 25,00 g
    360 Image 360 degrees image
    Manufacturer StewMac, 21 N. Shafer St., Athens, Ohio 45701, USA, service@stewmac.com
    Our price: 25,29
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

    D'Addario EJ88T
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