Home > Guitar and Bass Parts > Fret Wire > Fret Files > Hosco Nut File 050

Hosco Nut File 050

Hosco Nut File 050
Hosco nut file. 15cm length, teeth per inch : 78. Width: 050 inch / 1,27 mm
A high quality Hosco nut file . A string seated in a properly filed nut will have the correct height and will also prevent extraneous string noise from the nut.

0.050 inch / 1,27 mm width.

A typical set for classical guitar would contain the following files:

0.028 inch . Width: 0.032 inch . Width: 0.036 inch . Width: 0.042 inch
A typical set for electric and acoustic guitars will depend on the string gauges. Always check the package for the string gauges and use the same file gauge accordingly.
A great aid in filing nuts is the Hosco GrooBar. This will prevent you from filing the string slot too deep.

SKU SKU 61093
Weight 50,00 g
Manufacturer HOSCO Inc., 76, Kawamura-cho, Moriyama-ku, 463-0097 Nagoya, Japan, https://www.hosco.co.jp/en/contact_en?post_id=30
Importer Banzai Music GmbH, Benzstr. 46-50, 12277 Berlin, Deutschland, support@banzaimusic.com
Our price: 20,19
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
 Delivery time: 4-5 days*

1,2k, MF 0,25W
Nuts Value Pack
Bongo BG-405-WH
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