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Monolithic sample-and-hold (S&H) circuit, controlled by signal LOGIC, stores the instantaneous values of the input signal and for a certain time maintain a constant DC voltage at the output with a high accuracy. The wide bandwidth allows the 1100CК2 to be included inside the feedback loop of 1 MHz op amps without having stability problems. Allows high source impedances to be used without degrading accuracy. TO5-8.

  • Supply voltages ±15V (group B), ±12В (group А)
  • Less than 7 μs sampling time with an error of 0.1% at CH = 1000 pF
  • Less than 180 ns aperture delay
  • Range of input voltages ± 10V (group B), ± 5V (group B)
  • External hold capacitor
  • Output short-circuit protection
  • Compatibility with control input with TTL / CMOS logic

  • SKU SKU 61408
    Weight 1,00 g
    360 Image 360 degrees image
    Manufacturer ALFA RPAR AS, 140 Ropazu Str., Riga, LV-1006, Lettland, alfa@alfarzpp.lv
    Our price: 3,96
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
    Quantity Price*
    5-9 Items 3,75
    10-24 Items 3,57
    25-49 Items 3,39
    50-99 Items 3,21
    100+ Items 3,03

    *Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

    Mogami 2921
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