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MusicNomad TheNomad Tool MN205

MusicNomad TheNomad Tool MN205
The MusicNomad TheNomad Tool (MN205) both extends the life and preserves the tone of strings and it cleans the body and hardware of instruments without any cleaning solutions. The premium quality washable microfiber pad cleans on top and underneath guitar strings in seconds. The 100% lint-free microfiber pad protects frets and fretboard from getting damaged while at the same time cleaning them. Also, the microfiber pad quickly cleans dust, grime and fingerprints on the instrument's body and hard to reach areas. Turn it around to use the super soft brush fibers as a cleaner for dust buildup and care on the body, bridge, pickups, saddles, tuners, headstock and more. The All-In-OneNomad Tool can be used on all electric and acoustic stringed instruments, drums, mixers, computers, pedals and more.

  • all-in-one string, body and hardware cleaning tool
  • can be used on any instrument, drums, effects pedals, mixers, computers and more
  • washable, lint-free microfiber pad and super soft brush fibers
  • ergonomic design
  • cleans on top and underneath guitar strings
  • cleans dust, grime and fingerprints on the instrument's body and hard to reach areas
  • super soft brush fibers remove dust buildup

  • SKU SKU 77622
    Weight 2,00 g
    Manufacturer MusicNomad Equipment Care, 1075 E. Parkridge Ave. Suite A, Corona, CA 92879, USA, info@musicnomadcare.com
    Importer Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG, Gewerbepark 46, 08258 Markneukirchen, Deutschland, service@warwick.de
    Our price: 10,82
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

    56 ohm RES-0,6W
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