Transformer T-PWR-PC50P

Transformer T-PWR-PC50P
Mains transformer for Peavey Classic 50, replaces #705-29312. Comes without end bells.

Lamination: 3 3/4 inch, Stack: 2 inch
W x H x D: approx. 97mm x 100mm x 80mm
installation height. approx. 86mm

240V White
230V Grey
0V Black

320V@250mA Red
0V Red

6,3V@4A Yellow
0V Yellow

22V@300mA Orange
0V Green/Yellow
22V Orange

SKU SKU 51942
Weight 3.600,00 g
Manufacturer Tube Amp Doctor Musikhandels GmbH, Weinbrennerstr. 1, 67551 Worms,
Our price: 134,89
including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
Quantity Price*
2-3 Items 128,50
4-5 Items 123,08
6+ Items 119,02

*Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

 Delivery time unknown*

ABM 1504n
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