Xvive VTL5C3/2

Xvive VTL5C3/2
Xvive Optocoupler VTL 5C3/2. The VTL5C3/2 is a dual element Axial Vactrol with steep slope, good dynamic range, a very low temperature coefficient of resistance and a small light history memory.


  • Package/Case: 5 pin
  • Leaded
  • Propagation Delay: 150uS
  • Voltage Rating: 50V
  • Mounting Type: Through Hole
  • Number of Channels:2

  • SKU SKU 50122
    Weight 3,00 g
    360 Image 360 degrees image
    Manufacturer Xvive Technology Co., Ltd., 5th Floor,BlockA of Jiajizhou Building, Bao'an District71, Shenzhen Guangdong, support@xvive.com
    Importer Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG, Gewerbepark 46, 08258 Markneukirchen, Deutschland, service@warwick.de
    Our price: 10,12
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
    Quantity Price*
    3-5 Items 9,62
    6-9 Items 9,10
    10+ Items 8,59

    *Note: including VAT , [plus shipping]

     Delivery time: 6-8 weeks*

    Clayton BRASS-LG
    Vitrohm 33k 11W
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