Yellow Jacket YJUNI

Yellow Jacket YJUNI
The YJUni is a simple pin-converting adapter for use in most amps with 6V6 or similar based tubes like 6F6, 6G6, 6K6, 6Y6, etc. The YJUni is shorter than standard Yellow Jacket®. It is designed for use in lower power output amps (20 watts or less) when no power reduction is desired. If your amp is cathode-biased, then no bias adjustment is needed. If your amp is fixed biased, then the bias should be adjusted just as it would be according to the standard biasing instructions included with the amp. All Yellow Jacket converters come with JJ Brand EL84/6BQ5 vacuum tubes.

  • All Yellow Jacket converters come with JJ Brand EL84/6BQ5 vacuum tubes.
  • Converts pin configuration from 9-pin to 8-pin to allow certain 6V6, 6K6 and similar low-voltage circuits to use EL84 tubes.
  • Drops Output Power: Does not drop power.
  • Safe for all common amplifiers and transformers.

  • SKU SKU 60861
    Weight 85,00 g
    360 Image 360 degrees image
    Manufacturer Banzai Music GmbH, Benzstr. 46-50, 12277 Berlin, Deutschland,
    Our price: 49,85
    including VAT 19% , [plus shipping]
     Delivery time: 4-5 days*

    Triangle PA-50
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